How To Order
How To Place Your Order
Thank you for your interest in Sktrendy products.
To place an order on this website please follow the steps below.
Select the product you are interested in purchasing. Select the quantity and variant of you choice. Then click the Add to Cart .

When the cart opens click the checkout button or choose PayPal as your payment option.
If you choose PayPal you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your payment. You do not need a PayPal account use PayPal as your payment method.

Complete your email, and personal information and your phone number then click continue to shipping. For orders outside of the United States you should change the country. Learn more about shipping international order here.

Choose the shipping address option. If your shipping address is different from your personal contact information, click change next to ship to and make changes. Next click continue to payment.

Enter your card information if you wish to pay with a credit or debit card or choose a different payment method.
If you select Sezzle you will be redirected to the Sezzle dashboard to complete your payment. Learn more about Sezzle here.

Click Pay now to receive your order number.
Thank you for shopping with us. We will email you a tracking number once your order has been mailed. If you have any questions please complete the form below and we will be in touch with you within 24 hours.